Monday, 30 June 2008

Questionnaire~International student's problem


Please fill in the information below.

Country_________________Course name: _____________________

Gender: __Female __Male

Age: __below 20 __21-25 __26-30 __30+

Please tick the following problems below

Put 1 = Most problem , 2= Quite problem 3 = Medium problem, 4= Little problem,5= Least problem , 6= No problem)




Health care system(NHS)

Open bank account

Child care



Home sick


Others (please specific)_______________________________________________

How satisfied do you feel with your life in UK?

__Very satisfied __Quite satisfied __Satisfied

__Not very satisfied __Very dissatisfied

How satisfied do you feel yourself with the quality of studying?

__Very satisfied __Quite satisfied __Just Satisfied
__Not very satisfied __Very dissatisfied

How satisfied do you feel yourself with the quality of staffs?

__Very satisfied ___Quite satisfied __ Just Satisfied
___Not very satisfied __Very dissatisfied

vocabulary~use English-English dictionary

New vocabulary from London Lite 30,June 08


  • The economic slowdown will accelerate the migration of customers to online shopping.
  • verb
  • It is mean the process or the rate of something gets faster and faster.
2. penetrate
  • The sunlight had penetrated through the window.
  • verb
  • It is mean something or someone succeed in passing through an area or object
3. collapse
  • The political power collapsed for corruptness.
  • verb
  • It is mean something or situation fall down.
4. scandal
  • I am not interested in scandal about neighbors.
  • none
  • It is mean the shocking and immoral aspects about some one's behavior or something is happened.
5. vital
  • Unfortunately,the bullet hit his vital apparatus.
  • adjective
  • It is mean something is necessary or important.
6. epidemic
  • Buying goods online has become epidemic in resent years.
  • adjective
  • It is mean something or activity is increasing or spreading rapidly.


  • She always has pessimistic views.
  • adjective
  • It is mean someone thinks bad things are going to happen.


  • I love my husband, and vice-versa.
  • adverb
  • Vice-versa is used to indicate that reverse side of what you have said.


  • Membership of the club is restricted to men only.
  • verb
  • It has the same meaning with limit. Restict something in order to reduce it or prevent it to become better.


  • I am researching contemporary jewellery like Catier.
  • adjective
  • Contemporary things or people are related to the present time.

Friday, 27 June 2008

E-mail to Steve~about myself

My name is Elaine and I come from Taiwan. I have a small family with my parents and an older sister. My father operates a machine agency in China, and my mother is a housewife also do fabric design at home. Inspired with my mother, thus I am interesting in painting and hand-making. My family liked to go hiking and camping on weekends when I was a teenager. Now, I often visit gallery and see movies with my friend .I prefer most kind of movies except ghost and horror.

I have studied Commercial Design five years in collage, and then enrolled catholic university to study Accessories Design. The scope of Accessories Design is very broad; it includes jewellery design, metal crafts, bags design, gem setting, marketing, and gemology, etc. My graduation work is design six bags to relate to my specific theme--- Bauhaus, and got a quite good mark. After graduation from university, I worked in an accessories agency for two years. I designed bags and communicate with factory to insure there is no problem with churn out. Until March in last year, I resign and concentrate my attention in IELTS test. I am goining to study Master degree of Jewellery Design in September, 2008. I expect to promote my design skills and raise senses of Jewellery.I hope to qualify with a jewellery designer in companies and have skills to create products to accord with different demands from customers. I have aspirations to become more competitive and successful.

I have not been to London before, and just begin to recognize the beautiful city. I think London has a social community because people attend parties and drink after work. Comparison to Taiwan, on account of employees work long time every day, only young people and society go to club at night.

After this pre-sessional English course, I expect my English language to improve dramatically. I am allowed to enroll Master course and research in English. For this reason, except English skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, etc. I think accurate methods of research are the most important. It can help me to do research favoringly.

Due to self-study is infrequent in my country, I spend a lot of time to search the article which is related to my study area. Therefore, my self-study targets for this week are develop my search skill on website and build a complete system of self-study.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

vocabulary exercise on gapmaker
Subject:Famous Yellow Bellies

(Gap File produced at level 3)

Famous Yellowbelly - James Ward Usher

James Ward Usher was an extremely talented jeweller, but is best remembered for his passion for collecting works of art. These are now housed in Lincoln's Usher Gallery.

James Ward Usher was born on 1st January, 1845 in Lincoln. He was the eldest son of a jeweller and watchmaker, also called James Usher.

It was clear from a very early age that James had a passion for collecting. Over a period of around 30 years, he built up a fantastic collection. This included a huge variety of objects - ceramics, watches, clocks, coins, silver and miniatures as well as paintings.

Usher himself was a talented artist and would spend many hours painting pictures of all his collections for use as an illustrated inventory.

During his lifetime much of this collection was displayed in the window of the family shop on High Street. Usher was a very shrewd businessman and took over the running of the shop from his father.The business went from strength to strength.

His reputation continued to grow

James Ward Usher's reputation continued to grow and his success was further fuelled when he gained the sole rights to use the Lincoln Imp in his work. Pins, spoons and numerous other articles with the Imp on were extremely popular.

Usher received many letters requesting items featuring the Lincoln Imp. Many of these arrived at his shop despite being addressed simply to 'The man who makes Lincoln Imp jewellery' and such like. Even the Prince of Wales was spotted wearing a pin with the Imp on which had been given to him by Usher himself.

Usher was a solitary man and never married. Just two days before his death, he made out a will in which he bequeathed the whole of his collection to the City of Lincoln on the understanding that it would form the basis for a museum and art gallery that would bear his name.

He also left almost £60,000 towards the cost of the building. Land was purchased
and the architect Sir Reginald Blomfield was commissioned to design the building that was to house the Usher collection.

The Usher Art Gallery was officially opened on the 25th May, 1927 by the Prince of Wales. Over the years, the collection has been added to and the gallery continues to grow.

The following words will fill the gaps:


  • a period of
  • an illustrated inventory
  • items featuring
  • something was purchased
  • someone be commissioned

Tuesday, 24 June 2008


Hello, London Met.
It is the second day with my English course. I got many good foreign friends,and teacher are also friendly.However,I have not yet adjusted the food I eat everyday;fried chicken, cheese,pasta...