Thursday, 28 August 2008

Draft of Introduction

Summarise the main effects of globalization and discuss to what extent they are beneficial to (jewellery) design industry


International integration has become one of the most important aspects of function in the world. According to BBC news (2007), globalization has taken a key role and has an unprecedented increased in prosperity in the last 5 decades, which is spring up from the United States and Europe to many other developing countries in Asia, such as China and India. The categories with globalization influences widely include economy, environment, communication, culture…etc. With regard to design world, some people argued that the development of communication technology has result in culture impact and making the world more homogenous (Mike Hansen, 2001), and even affect design industry. The trends of design not only have influence in an area, but also in the whole world. In this essay, I would like to look at previous research in the effects of globalization on economic aspect. Moreover, what extent of benefit of globalization to my subject - jewellery design, will be considered.


Hansen.M, Daily Bruin 2001 ‘Globalization inspires worldwide unification - Glob phobia sufferers must realize the benefits of cultural unity’, Published: Monday, August 6, 2001, viewed 28, Aug 2008

Koehler.B, International Forum of Globalization’ Alternatives to Economic Globalization -A Better World is Possible’ October 2004, viewed 28, Aug 2008

Schifferes.S, BBC news 2007 ‘Globalization shakes the world’, 21 January 2007, viewed 28, Aug 2008

Topic Sentance of Each paragragh

The first sentence of each paragraph

1) Introduction of globalization (what is globalization, present situation)

International integration has become one of the most important aspects in the world.

2) Positive effects on globalisation (aspect of economic- increasing general income, investment in other countries)

A common viewpoint is that the influence of globalization are mainly positive.

3) Negative effects on globalization (aspect of economic- poverty gap, influence of international economic wave)
However, some people argue that the negative effects of globalization outweigh the positive.

4) The positive effect of globalization on (jewellery) design industry (foreign education, global market, competition - improve quality of products)
Thanks for globalization, it is becoming easier to study design overseas.

5) The Negative effect of globalization on (jewellery) design industry (culture influence, same design, plagiarism of big brands)
On the other hand, culture identity is becoming unclear due to globalization.

6) Conclusion
Nowadays, international integration is changing the rules of human life.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

My Essay Plan

Argument - led

1) Introduction of g
-what is globalization, present situation
2) Positive effects on globalisation
-aspect of economic - increasing general income, investment in other countries
3) Negative effects on globalization
-aspect of economic - poverty gap, influence of international economic wave
4) Transition to (jewellery) design industry
5) The positive effect of globalization on (jewellery) design industry
-foreign education, global market, competition - improve quality of products
6) The
Negative effect of globalization on (jewellery) design industry
-culture influence, same design, plagiarism of big brands
7) Conclusion

The New Rulers of The world

I watched this
TV programmer on website. As well as the information that I have gotten in news before. The cheap labours of developing countries work almost 24 hours everyday for multinational companies,such as GAP, Nike...etc. but maintain a fake presentment of a standard of working-hour. It is outline that gloalization is not benefit all of counties in the world. The pool countries have to divert budget from education in order to pay a lot of debt to rich countries. The low education level result people could not get a higher salary job, therefore, poor countries become poorer and poorer, and vice versa.

The Diamond Trade Gives Way to Globalization

I have read an article which are talked about the effects of globalization on diamond industry. Also wrote some notes which might be useful for my essay:

  • Antwerp - tradition of cutting and trading the most precious gems began more than five centuries ago; the industry is now following the route of many other enterprises in the global market, shifting to the immense reserves of low-cost labor in India
  • more than 25,000 diamond workers were employed in the 1970s; today, less than 800
  • these gemstones were first found, polished and worn in India; today's rules of global trade are drawing the diamond industry back home
  • Antwerp cannot compete anymore; polishing can now be done in India for one-fifth of the labor cost
  • the most precious large white diamonds, are still worked in Antwerp, rather than in Asia, because of expertise and quality control

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

The Articles of Globalization Connected with Design

I have read these articles on websites, which are connected to my subject - design. It talk about it influence of Globalization on Design, both positive and negative. They include the different aspects of design, such as trends, product, and industry.

The Impact of Globalization on Design
Design Globalization
Thoughts on the globalization of design

Friday, 22 August 2008

Note of a Lecture on BBC

I have listened this lecture, and done some notes.

The effects of personal lifes by globalization

  • marriage
-In China,for example, marriage is an arrangement between two families, fixed by the parents rather than the individuals concerned.Gansu, which has only a low level of economic development, found that 60% of marriages are still arranged by parents.
-As is true in the other developing Asian societies. In Chinese cities, not only divorce, but
cohabitation is becoming more frequent.
  • family
-troditional: family=couple+children+relatives
-now: the couple is family (love or love puls sexual attraction became the basic of forming marriafe ties)
  • sexual equality
-inequality: in traditional family, women is proerty of men, also cildren
-now: sexual equality both in fact and law

  • homosexuality
-before: prople criticize homosexuality is a psychiatry
-now: is increasing acceptance of it

  • relationship (in sexual and love relationship, parent and child and friendship)
-before: children were an economic benefit
-now: children are for psychological and emotional need
-good relationship is equally. Free from arbitrary power, coercion or violence

Friday, 8 August 2008

A Chapter of A Book Connected with My Subject II

The Decorative Arts Library- Jwewllery / Edited by Janet Swarbeick

My Favorite Period of Jewellery Design -Art Nouveau (1875-1919)

  • electricity and photography were nascent sciences
  • innovative technologies were bursting upon an advancing Western world
  • first fine art to be called "modern"


  • the leaders: the critic John Ruskin and William Morris
  • against: the encroaching modern age, the shoddy, machine-made products
  • designs: interiors, architecture, furniture, books, metalwork, and jewelry
  • style: romantic, not rigid, return to earlier, purer aesthetics and technique
  • forms: stone-set pieces which including brooches, pendants, bracelets, necklace, hatpins, and rings
  • material : polished stones, opal, lapis lazuli, and rose quartz were set into silver or gold


I really like this period of design. Inspiration by flowers, plants, rattans, and birds in nature, the shape with the creations, such as furniture, and jewelry are very elegant. My favorite designer is Alphonse Musha; the style of his paintting are warm colours, graceful lines, and a lot of long curly hair settled in whole page.

The Draft of Assignment Two

The advantage of a ‘surveillance society’ far outweigh the drawbacks’ To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is generally agree that the percentage of crimes has increased continuously nowadays. According to a report released by the Division of Public Safety (, the crimes of robber and sexual assault had increased 7% in 2004, also risen 6% in violent crime ( In order to prevent the crimes, people have created a surveillance society; enable to observe the suspect behaviours, called CCTV. Since 1994, CCTV is used increasingly to police public morals and public order. Although some people consider that this kind of surveillance system lead people to feel uncomfortable, they do not want to be known where they are all the time. For example, average citizen is caught on CCTV cameras 300 times a day in UK ( and they do not know how these organizations use this information. In this essay, I would like to talk about the advantages of observe system is more outweigh than the disadvantages which are mentioned above.

A common viewpoint is that CCTV did not decrease the rate of crimes; only 3% of crimes were solved by it ( However, some people argue that the CCTV has become an icon for security and politicians to prevent anti-social and undesirable behaviours, such as smoking, vandalism, and drunkenness. People would control their behaviours more when in front of cameras to earn respect from audience. In addition, the surveillance system is used to collect evidence by victims of domestic violence who conceal video cameras in their homes to protect themselves. CCTV also used in the kindergartens and hospitals to support covert surveillance of teachers and parents suspected of abusing children. Furthermore, Growth in the market of CCTV is estimated at 15% to 20% annually. Although the government has spent lots of money in it, the advantage is not only saving the money to train police but also reducing dangers for them. The budgets of police training and gratuity could be used on other construction.


Katie, H. (2004), ‘Police reports show increase in crime’, 10, Jan 2004, viewed 2008, Aug 08,

2004/10/01/News/Police.Reports.Show.Increase.In.Crime-738635.shtml (2005) Violent crime shows 6% increase’, 20, Oct 2005, viewed 2008, Aug 08, (2002)CCTV: Does it work?’, 13, August, 2002, viewed 2008, Aug 08,

Owen, B. (2008) CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police ’, 6, May 2008, viewed 2008, Aug 08,

Monday, 4 August 2008

Feedback of the Second Seminar

Before this seminar, I had a rained weekend for research the resource which are connected with CCTV, DNA database, and biometrics. I have read all links in Steve's blog and researched other relative websites. It is very useful that I got a lot of information that could be discussed on this seminar.I think that I done a very good research and preparation. However, I did not speak enough during the seminar and need to have an improvement next time. Fortunately, I listened other member's opinions very carefully and received opposite arguments that are real helpfully for my organization of thinking. I argued my opinion with some evidences and statistics, also mationed some future technology connected with biometrics. My grammar was not perfect, but I think my speach was understandable, and I kept my opinion movoing in the right direction.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

New Vocabulary of Crime

*oppress verb >>dominate
...had used personal records to oppress people.

*compromising adjective safeguard privacy without compromising the use of DNA ...

adjective >>distrust
*offense noun >>violation, wrongdoing
...database creates a permanent list of "suspects" which includes anyone arrested for a recordable offense even if they are never charged.

*profile noun
*convict verb >>condemn
...allowed the retention of DNA samples and profiles to be taken from people who had been arrested but not convicted.

CCTV is a visual surveillance technology designed for monitoring a variety of environments and activities.

urge verb
...have urged victims of domestic violence to conceal video cameras in their homes to collect evidence.

abuse verb >>injure, damage
...being used in hospitals to support covert surveillance of parents suspected of abusing their children.

deter verb >>prevent
to deter burglary, assault and car theft...

combat verb >>struggle
to combat 'anti-social behavior', including many such minor offenses

Take a Break

My favorite Song~
Je m'appelle Hélène

Although it is a French song that I can't sing it, the melody is very dulcet and romantic. Moreover, the pronunciation of Hélène in French is similar with Elaine. Thus I have special emotion with the song.


The meaning in English
helen>> my name's helen>> i m a girl>> just like other girls

helen>> i have joy and pain>> and this is my life
just like you>>
i look for my love>> only for love

helen>> my name is helen>> i m a girl>> just like other girls
helen>> pain comes at night>> i have nothing
except poems and dreams
i look for my love
>> only for love>> and>>
if my photos on all paper
every week>> when i m home
there would be no one waiting for me >>
when light go out>> there would be no one delight me

helen>> my name's helen>> i m a girl >> just like other girls

i look for my love>> only for love and >> you would see me on tv>>
smiling and singing
when i m home>> there would be no one waiting for me
when light go out>> there would be no one delight me

helen>> my name's helen>> i m a girl>> just like other girls
>> one day>> all of the pains would be forgotten
when would i get my love

Friday, 1 August 2008

Note of Fighting Crime with Science

DNA databases
  • quickly identify offenders
  • make earlier arrests
  • secure more convictions
  • provide critical investigative leads for police investigations
  • huge logistical
  • bureaucratic issues
  • civil liberty concerns
  • people who are found innocent can not get their details removed

What is Biometrics?
It is a software of the biometric system which processes biometric data.
The stages are enrolment and capture, extraction, comparison and matching.
biometric visas

(Closed-circuit television) is the use of to vedio cameras transmit a signal to a specific, limited set of monitors.
  • often used for surveillance in areas
  • effect is not on crime prevention, but on a small number of high media-profile case of detection
  • money-saving
  • provides recording for possibly many years
  • a variety of quality and performance options and extra features
  • criminals are more likely to plead guilty when faced by the undeniable evidence of being caught on camera
  • tracking suspects by their distinctive clothes will help cut down on the manual scanning of hundreds of hours of video footage
  • average citizen in the UK is caught on CCTV cameras 300 times a day.But analysis suggest CCTV's overall impact is less than impressive. Only 3% of crimes were solved by CCTV
  • revealed that of 24 studies carried out in city centres, only 13 showed crime had fallen since CCTV cameras were installed.
  • The technology is already used to automatically identify company logos in TV broadcasts of sporting events.
  • used to identify company logos in TV broadcasts of sporting events, and calculate the time on screen and prominence of brand images
  • how they should best be used
  • how technology can be improved?
  • change to DVR(digital video recorder) based technology or PVR (personal video recorder)