Monday 30 June 2008

vocabulary~use English-English dictionary

New vocabulary from London Lite 30,June 08


  • The economic slowdown will accelerate the migration of customers to online shopping.
  • verb
  • It is mean the process or the rate of something gets faster and faster.
2. penetrate
  • The sunlight had penetrated through the window.
  • verb
  • It is mean something or someone succeed in passing through an area or object
3. collapse
  • The political power collapsed for corruptness.
  • verb
  • It is mean something or situation fall down.
4. scandal
  • I am not interested in scandal about neighbors.
  • none
  • It is mean the shocking and immoral aspects about some one's behavior or something is happened.
5. vital
  • Unfortunately,the bullet hit his vital apparatus.
  • adjective
  • It is mean something is necessary or important.
6. epidemic
  • Buying goods online has become epidemic in resent years.
  • adjective
  • It is mean something or activity is increasing or spreading rapidly.


  • She always has pessimistic views.
  • adjective
  • It is mean someone thinks bad things are going to happen.


  • I love my husband, and vice-versa.
  • adverb
  • Vice-versa is used to indicate that reverse side of what you have said.


  • Membership of the club is restricted to men only.
  • verb
  • It has the same meaning with limit. Restict something in order to reduce it or prevent it to become better.


  • I am researching contemporary jewellery like Catier.
  • adjective
  • Contemporary things or people are related to the present time.

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