Thursday 3 July 2008

Draft of Research

TOPIC: International Student Problems Compare with female and male
Name: Chan,Yi-Ling (Elaine)
Student ID No. 08011471
Tutor: Steve Wasserman


Recently, more and more international students study in United Kingdom. Especially, the number of foreign students study in University of London Metropolitan has increased dramatically. International students live and study oversea for first time would face a lot of problems.

The primary aim of our research is to carry out of the problems international female students have compared to international male students who attend the English classes in summer 2008. The secondary purpose is to discover the results of how the respondents are satisfied with their life in UK, and the quality of study and staffs.

The Sample
27 respondents were sampled in the research, included 16 females and 11 males of London Metropolitan University international student with different courses, age, and nationalities.

Data Collection

The data were collected by questionnaires that were contained with various student problem questions which we researched online and have experienced by us. Also the questions about how the respondents were satisfied with living in UK, and the quality of study and staffs.

Findings regarding problems compare with the male and female students have

This research provides information about the problems of London Metropolitan University international students have suffered in UK.Generally, female have more problems than male and the satisfied extents are lower than male.surprisingly, male have less than 20% of all categorization of most and quite problem while almost one in three(31%) female have most problem with finance(funding) and 44% are quite problem in accommodation. In the aspect of medium problem, male have 45% with open a bank account, and female have similar percentage (44%), just a little less than male in language problem. All of the male students are on problem with child care compare to over one in ten female students have child care problem.
In the satisfied extends research, over half (55%) male feel quite satisfied with living in UK, and half female have the same commendation.64% and 55%of male are quite satisfied in the quality of study and staffs. However, less 20%than male of female (44%) claim quite satisfied with the quality of study and just satisfied in the quality of staff.

Overall, the percentage of problems with male are less than female, and male's satisfied extends of living and their school life are quite satisfied.

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