Thursday 28 August 2008

Draft of Introduction

Summarise the main effects of globalization and discuss to what extent they are beneficial to (jewellery) design industry


International integration has become one of the most important aspects of function in the world. According to BBC news (2007), globalization has taken a key role and has an unprecedented increased in prosperity in the last 5 decades, which is spring up from the United States and Europe to many other developing countries in Asia, such as China and India. The categories with globalization influences widely include economy, environment, communication, culture…etc. With regard to design world, some people argued that the development of communication technology has result in culture impact and making the world more homogenous (Mike Hansen, 2001), and even affect design industry. The trends of design not only have influence in an area, but also in the whole world. In this essay, I would like to look at previous research in the effects of globalization on economic aspect. Moreover, what extent of benefit of globalization to my subject - jewellery design, will be considered.


Hansen.M, Daily Bruin 2001 ‘Globalization inspires worldwide unification - Glob phobia sufferers must realize the benefits of cultural unity’, Published: Monday, August 6, 2001, viewed 28, Aug 2008

Koehler.B, International Forum of Globalization’ Alternatives to Economic Globalization -A Better World is Possible’ October 2004, viewed 28, Aug 2008

Schifferes.S, BBC news 2007 ‘Globalization shakes the world’, 21 January 2007, viewed 28, Aug 2008

1 comment:

Sheraz said...

HHMMM I see what u r getting at Yi-Ling Chan :) can I just snatch few lines from you intro if u don't mind?

Very well done!!!
Good luck for ur future:)