Sunday 3 August 2008

New Vocabulary of Crime

*oppress verb >>dominate
...had used personal records to oppress people.

*compromising adjective safeguard privacy without compromising the use of DNA ...

adjective >>distrust
*offense noun >>violation, wrongdoing
...database creates a permanent list of "suspects" which includes anyone arrested for a recordable offense even if they are never charged.

*profile noun
*convict verb >>condemn
...allowed the retention of DNA samples and profiles to be taken from people who had been arrested but not convicted.

CCTV is a visual surveillance technology designed for monitoring a variety of environments and activities.

urge verb
...have urged victims of domestic violence to conceal video cameras in their homes to collect evidence.

abuse verb >>injure, damage
...being used in hospitals to support covert surveillance of parents suspected of abusing their children.

deter verb >>prevent
to deter burglary, assault and car theft...

combat verb >>struggle
to combat 'anti-social behavior', including many such minor offenses

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